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Community Information and Referral Helplines

Findhelp operates 211, the award-winning 3-digit phone and online service which helps Ontarians connect to the complete range of government and community-based health and social services available in their communities. Findhelp is a charitable, nonprofit agency providing public access to information about community and social services.

Calls are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by professional Information and Referral Specialists who are trained to assess caller needs, and to refer callers to the most appropriate resources. 

211’s resource database contains more than 60,000 records, making it the most comprehensive human services database in the province. Combined with the demographic and caller needs information collected through our calls, 211 provides individuals, agencies and planners with rich data on the supply and demand for human services in Ontario. 

211 is an easy to remember phone number like 311, 411 and 911. Each of these numbers provides you with valuable information or services. 

Specialty Lines Provide Access To:

Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Support service for male survivors of sexual abuse, both recent and historical.

Victim Support Line (VSL): Provides services to victims of crime across Ontario and offers victims of crime and their families access to a wide range of services, including counselling, financial assistance and other supports.

ReportON: Hotline for the reporting of suspected or witnessed abuse or neglect of an adult with a developmental disability (through Ontario 211 Services).

Independent legal advice for survivors of sexual assault: Free legal advice to those who qualify by phone or video chat from one or more lawyers on referral list.

Developmental Services Ontario (DSO): Access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) in Ontario.

Surrey Place: Infant and Child Development Program. All Children and Youth, Infancy and Early Childhood Programs. Supports children from birth to school entry who have a developmental disability and/or risk of developmental delay.

Ontario Caregiver Helpline: One-stop resource for information and referrals connecting caregivers to support they may require.

Good2Talk: A free, confidential support service for post-secondary students in Ontario that offers counselling and referrals.

The Community Benefits Directory Line: For Toronto Community Benefits Network (TCBN) clients, and interested clients to find out about TCBN programs which offer opportunities for jobs, apprenticeships and mentors for equity seeking groups in the construction industry in Toronto. The CBD line also supports callers with connection to other programs, services and supports such as financial help, child care, immigration, health and food security.

  • Toll Free:  855-258-7375

The people answering these calls are trained Information and Referral (I&R) Specialists, most with a professional social service background and many with years of front-line experience.

“I am looking for a Food Bank in Etobicoke.”


“I have lost my passport. How do I go about getting a replacement?”


“Is there a government program that will help my daughter with her tuition fees?”

“My elderly neighbour is a widower and there never seems to be anyone who visits him. Is there a community service that could look in on him?”


“I have been out of work for 2 years now and am in danger of losing my home. I need to support my wife and 2 young children. I am so desperate, please help! “